Every Unicorn's Hell

Life isnt always unicorns and rainbows…and i am here to vent..Happy reading my fellow unicorns!!!

  • Prompt of the day

    What brings a tear of joy to your eye?

    Seeing how much my son has overcome over the last few years. He has been through more than any adult I have ever known. Despite it all, he has come out fighting every time. This brings me pride and always a tear or two.

  • Television memories

    What TV shows did you watch as a kid?

    I had a number of shows I absolutely could NOT miss as a kid. I loved Captain Planet, Johnny Quest, Johnny Bravo, Spaceghost, Sailor Moon, Gem and the Holograms,and of course, all Saturday morning cartoons. I also liked a few Nickelodeon ones as well, including, Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, Doug Funny, and Recess. I really miss the days before internet streaming. There’s something special about not knowing which episode it might be. It’s really strange though, to try and watch them as an adult. You realize most every episode of certain shows are basically the exact same storyline just told differently over and over. That’s when you know you are old, when you watch as an adult and don’t find it as magical as it once was.

    I’m a 90’s kid, I think we had this tv 😂
  • Introduction

    Hello friends in the interwebiverse. I wanted to give a short introduction to myself. I am a single mom just trying to keep myself grounded. The world seems so scary right now. I have been through quite a bit in my life. I don’t always go into detail, but rest assured it’s nightmare fuel. In the last few years I needed an outlet. I started writing to just feel better. I don’t think of my words as poetry. It’s more like therapy that sometimes rhymes and sometimes doesn’t. I’m not a poet, I don’t write music or sing or play an instrument. So just keep that in mind if you happen to stumble upon one of my journal entries. Please and thank you. 😊 Today was a particularly bad day thanks to a very rude person. This is my response to that person. I might not be allowed to say what I feel to certain people that I am forced to be around, but there’s no law saying I can’t write it down.

    Where were you?

    if you just put, yourself in my shoes
    maybe you’d see, all the things i can’t afford to lose

    if you want to live my life, for maybe a while
    maybe you’d feel my love for my child

    i’m always looking over my shoulder, filled with sadness as i get older

    i never asked for the life that i live, but that is the cost of the love that i give

    i didn’t want to be so alone, but i never wanted you here

    so don’t think i won’t speak my truth, and tell about all of my fears

    always trying to catch me in a lie, guess that’s the difference between you and i

    you weren’t there in that hospital room, when every day was full of doom

    always trying to catch my mistakes, never knowing everything that it actually takes

    you weren’t there, and quite frankly i don’t think you care, and that’s not fair

    don’t patronize everything that i do, and don’t underestimate my hatred for you

    i won’t ever stop fighting for the things that matter to me, and i don’t apologize for what i will never be

    and i’ll be waiting idly by for your apology, which won’t ever come..probably

    Thanks for reading my thoughts on paper, and again, I am not anything, I just write words down for my sanity.